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Customs Number

  • A Customs Number identifies individual importers and exporters.
  • You need to apply for a Customs Number if:
    • You're bringing items worth over NZ$1000 into New Zealand 
    • You're sending items worth over NZ$1000 overseas
  • If you prefer, you can contact a Customs broker to work with Customs on your behalf.
  • If you are importing or exporting for commercial purposes, you need a Client Code.

What is a Customs Number?

A Customs Number is a unique number that identifies individual importers and exporters and is required as part of the import process for shipments valued at NZ$1000 or more.

If you're planning on bringing items into New Zealand (importing), or sending items overseas (exporting) that are worth over NZ$1000, you need to apply for a Customs Number. Alternatively, you can contact a Customs broker to liaise with Customs on your behalf.

If you have never brought in or sent items over NZ$1000

If you have never brought in or sent items overseas worth over NZ$1000, you will need to apply for a Customs Number.

You will receive your Customs Number by email.

If you have brought in or sent items over NZ$1000 before

If you have brought in or sent items overseas worth over NZ$1000 previously, you do not need to apply for a Customs Number - you would have received notification of this via email from Customs or your Broker.

Importing for commercial purposes

If you're applying for a Client Code so that you can import items for commercial purposes (to sell, to use in a business) or are a Sole Trader, refer to the Client Code webpage.

Apply for a Customs Number

To apply for a Customs Number:

  1. Complete NZCS 224-A: Apply for, or update, a Customs Number for a private individual (PDF, 228 KB)
  2. Email the completed form and a copy of your photo ID (e.g. passport, driver's licence) to
  3. Once the form has been approved, you will receive an auto-response from advising you of your Customs Number. 
  4. If you are unable to locate this information via your email inbox or spam inbox, contact our National Contact Centre.