Before you report
Be discreet and stay safe.
If you encounter suspicious activity or objects:
- don’t get involved
- don't do anything that makes you feel unsafe
- don’t touch anything – it may be dangerous, and you could harm vital evidence.
Information you should get if you can
Discreetly capture all of the information you can. This may include taking a photo.
Include where and when the activity happened. If relevant, also include:
- details of people, companies or organisations involved
- names, addresses and contact details, if known
- any identifying features
- document details and/or payment method (if you work in a Customs Controlled Area or shop)
- vehicle, boat or aircraft details
- colour
- size
- make
- name
- registration
- direction of travel
You may not have a lot of detail. But don’t hesitate to report anything that doesn’t seem right, however minor it may seem. Your tip could make a difference.
If you need to report an emergency
Call 111 and ask for Police when:
- someone is badly injured or in danger
- there's a serious risk to life or property
- a crime is being committed and the offenders are still there or have just left
- it's happening now or has just happened.
Information on reporting an emergency is available at New Zealand Police