Domestic Transhipment Request (DTR) Sea Freight FAQs
A Domestic Transhipment Request (DTR) is an electronic request to move uncleared cargo from one approved facility to another approved facility.
This is required for any point-to-point movement.
An approved facility must be both a Customs-controlled Area and a Transitional Facility.
Glossary of terms
- CCA - Customs-controlled Area
- DTR - Domestic Transhipment Request
- ICR - Inward Cargo Report
- ITR - International Transhipment Request
- TF - Transitional Facility
- Continuing Collectors Permit – Release Note
What is DTR intended to do?
DTRs intent is to replace the current manual approval systems for domestic transhipments i.e.:
- Customs ‘Continuing Collectors Permit’ (NZCS 203), paperless transhipments and hard copy ‘Permit to Remove’ for movement in NZ ‘under bond’
- We will use DTR instead of Biosecurity Authority Clearance Certificate (BACC) applications for the movement of uncleared cargo.
Who submits a DTR?
A DTR can be submitted by freight forwarders, approved facility operators, Shipping Lines or their agents, or by anyone who is interested in moving uncleared cargo/container from one approved facility to another approved facility.
Will multiple movements require multiple ICRs (DTRs)?
Yes - DTRs are a point-to-point movement.
How much does a DTR cost?
Currently no fees are charged where an ICR is submitted to only request a DTR movement. Charges still apply to ICRs that include write-offs and Carrier ICRs. Refer to Goods Clearance Fees on this website.
How is a DTR lodged?
A DTR is submitted as part of an Inward Cargo Report (ICR) and is contained within and ICR message. A DTR can be lodged using a third-party software which has DTR capabilities or via TSW Online.
DTRs can be included in the carrier ICR, or as a separate ICR submitted by a freight forwarder or an approved facility operator.
Refer to ICR Factsheet for requirements of completing an ICR.
View the DTR Submission Guide (PDF 237 KB) on how to submit a DTR through TSW along with some useful submission information.
Does approval of DTR mean approval to release goods?
No. The DTR relates to the movement of uncleared cargo only.
- Approval means that the cargo can be moved from one approved facility to another.
- This TSW notification/s contain both a Movement and Clearance status as they are independent of each other.
- It is possible a consignment may be approved to move, but we may still need additional action or information to be performed prior to clearance being given.
Do I need to be a declarant?
No. However, if a DTR is part of an ICR with write off requests, then a declarant with the required privileges will need to lodge the request.
Can I use DTR to move an FAK container where some goods are already cleared?
Yes – a DTR must be used for the movement of an FAK container where some of the consignments may have been cleared.
Note: An FAK container will not be broken down at the Port to release individual cargo items.
What if the movement is Declined?
If the DTR is declined, the goods cannot be moved on this request.
What if the movement is Held?
If the DTR is held, the goods cannot be moved on this request until the risk identified has been mitigated and subsequent approval given.
How quickly will we receive movement authority with DTR?
A DTR initial response will be provided within minutes.
How long does it take for Port Hold to be removed once a DTR is approved?
This varies from port to port, but typically Port Holds are lifted within 20 minutes.
Can I amend my DTR submission?
Yes. An ICR can be amended to make any changes or add a DTR.
Will DTR Sea replace the AF9 System we have in place?
There will be no impact on AF9 process.
Will there be a need for a DTR for each consignment from a devanned container if it needs to move to another CCA-TF?
Yes, a DTR is required for any point-to-point movement of uncleared cargo.
Will there be an option to select UNLOCODE for ports rather than CCA code?
Yes, the UN/LOCODE e.g. NZTRG, is used by the ports to release port holds but the port authority/client code can also be used.
What happens to the DTR if a container / consignment is cleared prior to reaching destination?
If goods are cleared, then they can be delivered to an end destination. Clearance takes precedence over DTRs.
Do Movements within port i.e., 2 different CCAs require DTR?
Who is actually responsible for applying for and completing the movement for DTRs?
We assume that the person responsible for moving the goods will lodge the DTR. We don't expect port companies to apply for a DTR.
I am a Carrier, I need to submit an ICR for multiple transhipments of the same container, Will I be charged for multiple ICRs?
If multiple ICRs are submitted by a carrier for multiple transhipments, then these will need to be submitted as Non-Carrier ICRs to cover those movements. It is important that you submit them as Non-Carrier ICRs rather than Carrier ICRs to avoid agency charges.
What do I do for Dangerous Goods?
For the movement of Dangerous Goods from the Port and between facilities, download the process document.
What does the receiving CCA/TF need to know about your DTR submission?
Please ensure that the receiving CCA/TF in your DTR is aware of your submission as they will receive approvals via email.
Is a Primary Import Declaration (IPI) required if a DTR has already been submitted to move a FAK container?
No, Primary Import Declarations (IPI) are not required if a DTR has already been submitted to move a FAK container.
Is a BACC issued for DTR movements?
A BACC is not issued for DTR movements, it will be in the form of TSW notifications (Email or B2B) and ‘MPI Lodgement status and Directions Document’.
Does a BACC take precedence over a DTR (DTA)?
A BACC direction by an MPI Officer or a direction by a Customs Officer takes precedence over an ICR DTR.
Will the receiving depot (TF) be receiving a copy of the BACC via email?
Both the sending (Location of Goods) and the receiving (Transit destination) Transitional Facility’s will receive a TSW email notification. Attached to this email notification will be a pdf named a MPI ‘Lodgement Status and Directions’ document. This attachment is similar in format to a BACC that is received for Import Declaration entries.
Are attachments required to be submitted for DTR (Port-to-Port movements by Sea)?
No, these are only required for land based DTR movements.
Who’s responsible for submitting DTRs if there are Port omissions?
This will be the responsibility of the Shipping Company.
What if there are any issues with the container upon opening, do they still report online?
Yes. Contact your local MPI inspections team and continue to report through the Container Checks Portal (CCP).
When will the Collectors permit become void/ no longer be used?
A Domestic Transhipment Request (DTR) will be required to move uncleared sea-freight from one approved facility (CCA/TF) to another approved facility.
- Collectors Permits will be discontinued in due course and will not be accepted to move containers from the Port or a CCA/TF
- DTRs must be submitted for devanned LCL consignments between CCA/TF.
My FAK container is being devanned at the Port, what location of goods code should I use on my DTR to move an LCL consignment?
If the FAK container is devanned at a CCA/TF located within a Port and the movement for an individual LCL consignment is required, then the CCA code for that facility must be entered, not the UNLOCODE.
How do I submit a DTR for my FAK container that is moving from a Port to CCA/TF via Inland Port?
FAK containers moving from Port to CCA/TF via Inland Port e.g., Metro Port and Midland Port will need one DTR to be submitted with the following details:
- Port of Discharge - e.g. NZLYT
- Location of Goods – e.g. NZLYT
- Transit Destination – <<YOUR CCA/TF >>
- Delivery Notify Party – e.g. 9260G
For these movements, the Inland Port should be added as a Delivery Notify Party in your ICR Lodgement.
Refer to DTR Submission Guide for FAK Container movements (PDF 687 KB).
Can I use a DTR to move cargo containing CITES items?
Yes. A DTR can be used to move CITES (Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species) items. For CITES items (eg. Cavier) moving from the port to be loaded on a cruise ship follow the process outlined in CITES Ship Stores Process (PDF, 578 KB).
How do we keep in touch?
- Updates will be provided through Customs Release and through CBAFF newsletter
- Direct Contact by emailing the
- Updates and new FAQ’s will be available on this website.
Need help?
If you require any assistance or further information, please feel free to email
My FCL container has moved between ports under a DTR and is now held when the Import Declaration is submitted, what should I update to remove the hold from the port?
If the container has transhipped from another port on a DTR e.g. NZTRG to NZLYT, and the Import Declaration is submitted with the Location of Goods (LoG) as NZTRG the holds will not come off the port Lyttleton.
- For containers on a Simplified BACC (issued by Trade Single Window). Updating the LoG field in the Import Declaration lodgement to NZLYT will clear the holds at Lyttleton port.
- For containers on a BACC that has been issued by MPI Target Evaluation Team (TET) The agent will need to do two things. Update the LoG field in the lodgement and contact MPI. Only doing this one step of updating the LoG field this will not lift the port hold as it does not send the lodgement to the active queue for TET to process. You MUST contact MPI . You can contact Target Evaluation by calling or when updating your lodgement add a comment regarding needing a hold removed at “x” port in your application and use the MBR code to get the consignment to come to the TET active queue for processing.