Departing commercial ships
Requirements for commercial ships departing New Zealand.
When you leave New Zealand
Outward report
You need a clearance certificate from us before you can leave NZ ports - Form C3 - Certificate of clearance (ships and boats other than small craft) (DOC 263 KB).
To get clearance, you must give us advance notice. The owner of the craft, or person in charge, are the only people who can sign this - Form C2 - Advance notice of departure (ships and boats other than small craft) (DOC 148 KB).
Crew and passenger lists
You must also email passenger and crew information to
- NZCS 355 and NZCS 342 – commercial ships (XLS 173 KB)
- NZCS 355 and NZCS 342 – cruise ships (XLS 642 KB).
You can only depart from an official port of entry. When you leave, you must go directly to the next place, listed on your certificate of clearance. You can’t call at any other NZ ports without getting our permission first unless there’s an emergency.
You must secure any firearms aboard.
We will usually clear cruise ship passengers at the port you’re leaving from.
If you need to be processed somewhere else, you must get our permission first. Contact our cruise vessel coordinator by:
Phone: +64 9 359 662
Fax: +64 9 359 6692
Ship stores
Ship stores include:
- food
- cleaning products
- alcohol and tobacco
- spares and service parts
- bunkers
- general provisions for passengers and crew.
You can add to your ship stores while you’re in NZ. If you want to load any duty-free alcohol or tobacco, you must have our permission.
Email: a completed NZCS 325 (DOC 147 KB).
If you’re coming into NZ on a temporary import entry, you can only load duty-free items into your ship store as you’re about to leave NZ.
The amount you’re allowed is calculated as follows - your approved quota (see table below) x the number of crew and passengers x the length of the voyage – any duty-free alcohol or tobacco on board already.
The approved quota per person is:
- beer – 6 cans or bottles per day (375ml or less per bottle/can), or
- wine – 1 bottle (750ml) per day, and
- spirits or liqueur – 3 bottles (1.125ml) per 10 days
- cigarettes – 20 cigarettes per day or
- tobacco – 250g per 10 days or
- cigars – 5 (regardless of weight) every 10 days.
Cruise ships have different allowances. Contact your local Customs shipping office or local port agent for details.