Learn everything you need to know about excise.
Excise is a tax on alcohol, fuel and tobacco products.
Read about the types of licences you'll need if you have excisable items.
If you're newly licensed, you must lodge excise entries every month.
There are two ways to apply for a remission (waiver) on your excise.
Excise duty on fuel, tobacco and alcohol is due after the product leaves the CCA.
You may be able to claim an excise duty credit or refund on some items.
You need to apply to move items between CCAs without having to pay excise duty.
Your licence may be suspended or cancelled in some circumstances.
Apply to change your CCA licence terms and conditions.
You can apply to extend entry or payment timeframes.
Excise forms and documents
The Excise Duty Estimator assists in estimating excise duty, alcohol levy and the GST applicable to the alcohol levy for most alcoholic products classified in Part A of the Excise and Excise-equivalent Duties Table (EEDT).
If you’re planning to use, supply or import alcohol for commercial, industrial, educational or scientific purposes, you may be able to do so without paying duty.